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5 Components of a Successful Marketing Plan

August 16, 20225 min read

“Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs .” - Seth Godin


If you run a business, chances are you already have a strong strategy in place. And if you don’t, maybe you should start one. A marketing plan can boost your brand awareness, increase conversions, and improve customer service by providing a framework and guideline to how your business will reach customers.

To ensure your business stays on course, it's important to be clear in your marketing plan. Otherwise, you may find yourself confused and distracted and working on the wrong actions. Here are five things to include in your marketing plan that will keep you focused, organized, and moving toward success.

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With that said, here are 5 components of a successful marketing plan today! 👊

1. Branding

Branding is the process of creating a unique name and visual identity for your business. Branding is a critical part of your marketing plan, as it helps you differentiate your business from competitors, build consumer loyalty, and establish trust with potential customers.

With branding in mind, here are some important questions to ask yourself:

  • How do I want my brand to be perceived by consumers? In other words, what traits do I want my brand to have? (For example: hipster or traditional?)

  • What tone should be used when talking about the company or its products? (For example: serious or humorous?)

2. Audience

The second component of a marketing plan is your audience. You need to know who you are trying to reach—and not just their age, gender and income range but what they want as well. This is because there will always be more than one way to reach an audience; knowing who your audience is helps determine which method or combination of methods (e.g., content marketing) are best for reaching them with their needs in mind.

Once you've identified your target market and their wants, it's time to learn how best to reach them through communication channels such as email newsletters or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Once again: Know thyself! Do some research on what types of content perform well on these channels before diving head-first into creating great content just because everyone else seems to be doing it (or even worse—just because you want people talking about something).

It's also important that the message being conveyed via any given medium aligns with its intended purpose; if someone signs up for a newsletter but receives only product announcements instead, then chances are pretty good they'll unsubscribe right away—and not only has that person gone unengaged but so has any word-of-mouth potential they could have had since they weren't given an opportunity to share their thoughts about said product announcement with anyone else either!

3. Distribution Channels

What channels you choose to use depends on what your target market uses, and what will get you the most exposure. For example, if your target market is older people who are more likely to watch TV than use social media, then television ads may be a good place to start.

The main thing that you need to consider when deciding which channels to use is ROI (return on investment). If one channel gives great results but costs more than another, then it's worth paying extra for the better-performing option.

4. Messaging

The fourth step in creating your marketing plan is to identify what message you want to convey, and how you want to convey it. A crucial part of this process is identifying the benefits that your target market will receive from using your product or service. It’s also important for you to know exactly what action or call-to-action (CTA) you want users to take once they have read/seen/heard your message. Lastly, it’s important for marketers to understand the value proposition—the core benefit that would motivate someone who has never heard of their company before into buying their product or service.

This section should include a concise summary of each component mentioned above:

  • What are some examples of messaging?

  • How do marketers use messaging?

  • Why is messaging so important?

  • What types of messages should be used in marketing campaigns?

5. Content

Content is the core of your marketing plan. It's the lifeblood of your marketing plan. Content is the soul of your marketing plan.

It's also the most important part of it, too. You can't have a successful marketing plan without content—it's like trying to build a house without bricks! Just as every brick has its place and purpose in building a sturdy foundation, so does every piece of content you develop for your business or brand have an integral role in telling a story that resonates with potential customers or clients. Content strategy should be at the forefront when creating any kind of digital marketing strategy because it affects everything else you do: search engine optimization (SEO), social media campaigns, email newsletters...everything!

Your marketing plan should give you a clear understanding of your target market and how to reach them.

You can’t market to an audience you don't understand. The first part of your marketing plan is to clearly define your target market, their needs and wants and how they will interact with your brand. A good way to do this is by looking at the demographics of your customers. This will give you a better understanding of who they are and what makes them tick.

Once you've nailed down the demographics, it's important that you also look into psychographics—the personalities, lifestyles and behaviors that make up those demographics. What motivates them? How do they behave on social media? Do they prefer visual or text-based content? Knowing these things about your audience will help shape how you communicate with them through various channels like social media, newsletters or websites.


One last word of caution: it’s important not to mistake a marketing plan for an overall business strategy. A marketing plan is a very specific tool that serves one function: to help you market your product or service. It sets out the mediums and methods by which you’ll connect with your customers, but it doesn't tell you what to sell or who your customers are (though it does give a lot of information about how to do those things). The best marketing plans will work in conjunction with a larger business strategy; they’re meant to be used together. Check out our services to see how we can help your business grow! 

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